Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Jackson Gamers and Friends at Historicon 2015

Unable to attend Historicon this year, I've had to enjoy it vicariously from others' photographs kindly posted on The Miniatures Page.  And just to show that some of our Jackson Gamers and other south central US gamers did make it there, here are some pictures.  Original photographer identified in caption.


John (background, yellow shirt) is already resting on Friday morning.
[photo courtesy of MadDrMark]

Mark's (purple shirt in rear center) Carlist Wars game on Friday morning.
[photo courtesy of MadDrMark]

John (upper right, yellow shirt) playing in Mark's Carlist Wars game on Friday morning.
[photo courtesy of MadDrMark]

Jay center rear in green shirt) wandering around like a lost puppy on Friday evening.
[photo courtesy of MadDrMark]

A fuzzy picture of Russ S. (green shirt)playing in what looks like a Japanese samurai game
[photo courtesy of MadDrMark]

Friend Ross M. (front and center) on Friday evening just before playing in MadDrMark's "Sound of Music" game.
[photo courtesy of MadDrMark]


John (on left in red shirt) taking a picture of a very nice looking horse and musket game.  I hope he got a chance to play in it!
[photo courtesy of MadDrMark]

Pictures from "Lair of the Uber Geek" blog site (not sure of day):

Friends Tim B. and Walt B. played on opposite sides of a double blind WW2 island assault game.

Tim B. (on right) is on one side of the curtain,
[photo courtesy of UberGeek]

While Walt B. (center) is on the other side of the curtain
[photo courtesy of UberGeek]
Who won guys?

The only gamer who I know was planning on going but didn't see in any of the pictures I perused was Travis M.  I hope he and his family made it and had fun.

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