John (background, yellow shirt) is already resting on Friday morning. [photo courtesy of MadDrMark] |
Mark's (purple shirt in rear center) Carlist Wars game on Friday morning. [photo courtesy of MadDrMark] |
John (upper right, yellow shirt) playing in Mark's Carlist Wars game on Friday morning. [photo courtesy of MadDrMark] |
Jay center rear in green shirt) wandering around like a lost puppy on Friday evening. [photo courtesy of MadDrMark] |
A fuzzy picture of Russ S. (green shirt)playing in what looks like a Japanese samurai game [photo courtesy of MadDrMark] |
Friend Ross M. (front and center) on Friday evening just before playing in MadDrMark's "Sound of Music" game. [photo courtesy of MadDrMark]
SATURDAY:John (on left in red shirt) taking a picture of a very nice looking horse and musket game. I hope he got a chance to play in it! [photo courtesy of MadDrMark] |
Pictures from "Lair of the Uber Geek" blog site (not sure of day):Friends Tim B. and Walt B. played on opposite sides of a double blind WW2 island assault game.
Tim B. (on right) is on one side of the curtain, [photo courtesy of UberGeek] |
While Walt B. (center) is on the other side of the curtain [photo courtesy of UberGeek] |
Who won guys?
The only gamer who I know was planning on going but didn't see in any of the pictures I perused was Travis M. I hope he and his family made it and had fun.