We are having problems accessing and updating the Jackson Gamers web site. Evidently the main page has been "stolen" by a French language pharmacy site. If you do not have our site bookmarked as a favorite you will not be able to reach it through the main page.
It is accessible through one of the subpages and then you can maneuver around from there. Here are some some pages to try:
Once we get things straightened out we will notify the gaming community.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Saturday, November 21, 2015
The Return of the Iron Duke
On Saturday, Nov. 21, six of us gathered at Jay's to fight a Napoleonic battle using a highly modified version of Command and Colors Napoleonics we laughingly call "Stribling's Folly." Using a small part of Jay's immense 25mm Napoleonic armies, the forces of France and Great Britain went hammer and tongs over some rather insignificant real estate somewhere in Spain, or maybe southwestern France.
Jim, Sean, and Ed commanded the Anglo-Portuguese forces against Phil, Jay, and Fred commanding the French. It was a close, bloody affair with the Anglo-Portuguese winning 16 points to 14 points with 1 victory point not in control of either side. The victory points were awarded for enemy units destroyed (1 flag each) and for access roads (5 roads) controlled. The Anglo-Portuguese had 14 French flags and 2 roads while the French had 12 British flags and 2 roads. One road was not controlled by either side.
The Anglo-Portuguese were on the attack and outnumbered the French.
Here are some of the pictures Jim took during the fighting:
Jim, Sean, and Ed commanded the Anglo-Portuguese forces against Phil, Jay, and Fred commanding the French. It was a close, bloody affair with the Anglo-Portuguese winning 16 points to 14 points with 1 victory point not in control of either side. The victory points were awarded for enemy units destroyed (1 flag each) and for access roads (5 roads) controlled. The Anglo-Portuguese had 14 French flags and 2 roads while the French had 12 British flags and 2 roads. One road was not controlled by either side.
The Anglo-Portuguese were on the attack and outnumbered the French.
Here are some of the pictures Jim took during the fighting:
A British light cavalry regiment, part of Sean's primarily Portuguese left flank, attacks a square of French infantry of Jay's French right flank command. |
The main attack by the Portuguese under Sean on the left flank against Jay's French. |
Please click on the pictures for larger images.Saturday, October 31, 2015
Halloween Napoleonic Game
Five of us meet at Jay's on Halloween day for a fictitious encounter between the French and the Russians somewhere in Poland sometime during the Napoleonic Wars. We used a rule set Jay is calling "Stribling's Folly" which is based on the "Command and Colors" rules but without the cards and with many modifications. We used Jay's vintage (and not so vintage) 25mm Napoleonic forces.
Ed S. and Phil Y. were the French players, each with two major commands. Jay, Sean P. and Jim P. were the Russian players. Jay and Sean each had a major command, while Jim had a major command and the Russian reserve (cuirassiers and grenadiers).
The winner would be the first side to collect 14 enemy flags by destroying enemy units. The French won but it was a bloody victory for them. As usual we suggested more modifications to the rules which will be incorporated for our next game in 2016.
Ed S. and Phil Y. were the French players, each with two major commands. Jay, Sean P. and Jim P. were the Russian players. Jay and Sean each had a major command, while Jim had a major command and the Russian reserve (cuirassiers and grenadiers).
The winner would be the first side to collect 14 enemy flags by destroying enemy units. The French won but it was a bloody victory for them. As usual we suggested more modifications to the rules which will be incorporated for our next game in 2016.
One of Ed's left flank French commands faced Jay's troops from the previous picture. This shows the composition of the individual units very clearly. |
Ed rolled for attack dice against one of Jay's unit. The die on the far right is actually balanced on its rounded corner. We've never seen that happen before! |
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Play Test of "Monster" Franco-Prussian Game, Part 1
The Jackson Gamers gathered at the church fellowship hall on Labor Day for a play test of a "monster" Franco-Prussian game we're planning on running at the Colonial Barracks convention the first weekend in November.
We had 10 players (which included 3 player-referees) on two big battlefields and one smaller battlefield. The two big battlefields pitted two players on each side initially controlling a division of infantry (approximately 13 battalions each) plus supporting artillery. On the smaller battlefield, two players controlled the cavalry of each side (9 Prussian regiments versus 8 French regiments). After the cavalry battle was decided, the winner got to bring in a reserve division from his side on one of the tables. Two turns (or so) later, the cavalry battle loser got a reserve division from his side on one of the tables.
For total forces we had:
Five Prussian infantry divisions (which included Bavarians and Wurttemburgers) and one infantry brigade (a total of 61 battalions), plus supporting artillery (16 batteries)
Three Prussian cavalry brigades, each of three regiments (1 cuirassier, 5 dragoon, 2 uhlan, 1 hussar)
Six French infantry divisions plus one infantry brigade (a total of 76 battalions [57 Prussian battalion equivalents]), plus supporting artillery (13 batteries and 4 Mitrailleuse batteries)
Four French cavalry brigades, each of two regiments (2 cuirassier, 1 dragoon, 2 lancer, 1 hussar, 1 chasseur, and 1 Spahi)
That comes to a total of over 3400 figures and 98 guns. This is probably the largest 25mm/28mm game we've staged since our college days in the early 1970s.
Here are the first set of pictures taken by Col Campbell. Please click on an image to enlarge it.
We had 10 players (which included 3 player-referees) on two big battlefields and one smaller battlefield. The two big battlefields pitted two players on each side initially controlling a division of infantry (approximately 13 battalions each) plus supporting artillery. On the smaller battlefield, two players controlled the cavalry of each side (9 Prussian regiments versus 8 French regiments). After the cavalry battle was decided, the winner got to bring in a reserve division from his side on one of the tables. Two turns (or so) later, the cavalry battle loser got a reserve division from his side on one of the tables.
For total forces we had:
Five Prussian infantry divisions (which included Bavarians and Wurttemburgers) and one infantry brigade (a total of 61 battalions), plus supporting artillery (16 batteries)
Three Prussian cavalry brigades, each of three regiments (1 cuirassier, 5 dragoon, 2 uhlan, 1 hussar)
Six French infantry divisions plus one infantry brigade (a total of 76 battalions [57 Prussian battalion equivalents]), plus supporting artillery (13 batteries and 4 Mitrailleuse batteries)
Four French cavalry brigades, each of two regiments (2 cuirassier, 1 dragoon, 2 lancer, 1 hussar, 1 chasseur, and 1 Spahi)
That comes to a total of over 3400 figures and 98 guns. This is probably the largest 25mm/28mm game we've staged since our college days in the early 1970s.
Here are the first set of pictures taken by Col Campbell. Please click on an image to enlarge it.
One of the two main battlefields with French on right and Prussians on left. |
The other main battlefield with French on right and Prussians on left. |
The cavalry battlefield with French set-up in foreground and Prussians being set-up on far side. |
The French right flank light cavalry brigade (lancers and Spahis) advance to revenge their heavier compatriots. |
But they are defeated by the Prussian dragoons and uhlans. It was just not meant to be for the French cavalry on this day. |
Moving over to battlefield #1, a massive German column (Bavarians and Wurttenburgers) attack through the woods against a French line. |
And send the French reeling back, eventually to withdraw entirely from the field. |
On the right, a Prussian force advances against a French battery but get slowed by the heavy terrain. The white rings show some of the casualties the battery caused. |
A Prussian battle line faces French troops dimly seen in the woods ahead of them. |
They are a regiment of Tirailleurs Algerien (Turcos) who have been called from Africa to help defend La Belle France. |
There will be more pictures posted as soon as they are received and edited.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Jackson Gamers and Friends at Historicon 2015
Unable to attend Historicon this year, I've had to enjoy it vicariously from others' photographs kindly posted on The Miniatures Page. And just to show that some of our Jackson Gamers and other south central US gamers did make it there, here are some pictures. Original photographer identified in caption.
Friends Tim B. and Walt B. played on opposite sides of a double blind WW2 island assault game.
The only gamer who I know was planning on going but didn't see in any of the pictures I perused was Travis M. I hope he and his family made it and had fun.
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John (background, yellow shirt) is already resting on Friday morning. [photo courtesy of MadDrMark] |
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Mark's (purple shirt in rear center) Carlist Wars game on Friday morning. [photo courtesy of MadDrMark] |
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John (upper right, yellow shirt) playing in Mark's Carlist Wars game on Friday morning. [photo courtesy of MadDrMark] |
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Jay center rear in green shirt) wandering around like a lost puppy on Friday evening. [photo courtesy of MadDrMark] |
A fuzzy picture of Russ S. (green shirt)playing in what looks like a Japanese samurai game [photo courtesy of MadDrMark] |
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Friend Ross M. (front and center) on Friday evening just before playing in MadDrMark's "Sound of Music" game. [photo courtesy of MadDrMark]
SATURDAY:![]() |
John (on left in red shirt) taking a picture of a very nice looking horse and musket game. I hope he got a chance to play in it! [photo courtesy of MadDrMark] |
Pictures from "Lair of the Uber Geek" blog site (not sure of day):Friends Tim B. and Walt B. played on opposite sides of a double blind WW2 island assault game.
Tim B. (on right) is on one side of the curtain, [photo courtesy of UberGeek] |
While Walt B. (center) is on the other side of the curtain [photo courtesy of UberGeek] |
Who won guys?
The only gamer who I know was planning on going but didn't see in any of the pictures I perused was Travis M. I hope he and his family made it and had fun.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Send in the Marines - a Play Test
Last Saturday, I ran a play test of my game for Colonial Barracks ( link ). With the theme being "Two Battalions of Marines" I dusted off my Between the Wars China Marines and constructed a scenario using bits and pieces of several different periods for the figures - 1920s/1930s China Marines, Victorian era civilians and African porters, 1930s Chinese warlord troops, Darkest Africa Belgian askari, 1880s American Apache Indians, and 1700s Caribbean Maroons (escaped slaves). All together they have a very eclectic and "Hollywood" look. Just what is needed for a "The Sword and the Flame" based convention.
Our brave Marines have been sent to rescue some missionaries from the clutches of a notoriously unstable warlord in some third (or maybe fourth) world "banana/mango/coconut republic" sometime in the late 1920s/early 1930s. The scenario, with a few tweaks seems to have worked well so we'll see what happens in November at Colonial Barracks.
And now onto the action:
Our brave Marines have been sent to rescue some missionaries from the clutches of a notoriously unstable warlord in some third (or maybe fourth) world "banana/mango/coconut republic" sometime in the late 1920s/early 1930s. The scenario, with a few tweaks seems to have worked well so we'll see what happens in November at Colonial Barracks.
And now onto the action:
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The battlefield with the trading post in the far corner. The missionaries must reach this and board the steamer before the notoriously unstable warlord can get his hands on them. |
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The trading post along a pestilent river. The steamboat brought the Marines and the seaplane is there, primarily, for set decoration. It is a 1936 Keystone Loeing amphibious plane model made as a bank. It is currently available in several guises on eBay. The bamboo huts are from a posting on Miniature Wargaming (see my blog posting about them). |
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Hmm, a stranger has mysteriously arrived. Will he influence the fight or his he just there to sight see?" |
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The Marines set out to find the missionaries. |
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They encounter part of the notoriously unstable warlord's army. |
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While the Marines are fighting off part of the notoriously unstable warlord's army, his mounted contingent attacks the missionary party. |
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After the Marine command element gets involved, the attack is stopped but at the cost of the Marine Captain Jack Kelly and his bulldog. |
That's all the pictures I had time to take since I was running the game. If you're coming to Colonial Barracks in New Orleans in November, I'll be running the game on Saturday morning, the 8th.
Between the Wars,
Colonial Barracks 2014,
US Marines
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Fight for the Supplies
On Saturday, April 19, 2014, the Jackson Gamers met at Jay's house for a Very British Civil War game run by Col Campbell. We used the "Went the DayWell?" rules for the first time. Each of the four players had a unit of 35 figures or so, plus three of them had support weapons.
The Royalists and British Union of Fascists were led, respectively, by John M. and Jay. Each unit had a headquarters element of 5 figures, three 10-man rifle sections, and a heavy machinegun team. Two of the Royalist sections included a 2-man Lewis gun team. The BUF Bolton Rifles had a rifle grenadier in the headquarters and one in the third rifle section.
The East Bergholt local forces were led by Ed S. He had a five person headquarters section and three "rifle" sections -- East Bergholt Hunt Club of 10 men including a Lewis gun team, the East Berholt Constabulary of 8 men, and the Squire's retainers (10 men). Allied with them were a unit of the Harwich Maritime Defence Force (revolutionary sailors) led by Sean P. He had a 5-man headquarters element, three 10-man rifle sections, and a truck mounted naval gun with 4 crewmen.
Both sides were after the supplies scattered about after a goods wagon had derailed on the rail line between Colchester and Ipswich near Manningtree and the River Stour.
The Royalists and British Union of Fascists were led, respectively, by John M. and Jay. Each unit had a headquarters element of 5 figures, three 10-man rifle sections, and a heavy machinegun team. Two of the Royalist sections included a 2-man Lewis gun team. The BUF Bolton Rifles had a rifle grenadier in the headquarters and one in the third rifle section.
The East Bergholt local forces were led by Ed S. He had a five person headquarters section and three "rifle" sections -- East Bergholt Hunt Club of 10 men including a Lewis gun team, the East Berholt Constabulary of 8 men, and the Squire's retainers (10 men). Allied with them were a unit of the Harwich Maritime Defence Force (revolutionary sailors) led by Sean P. He had a 5-man headquarters element, three 10-man rifle sections, and a truck mounted naval gun with 4 crewmen.
Both sides were after the supplies scattered about after a goods wagon had derailed on the rail line between Colchester and Ipswich near Manningtree and the River Stour.
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Sean P., the Harwich Maritime Defence Force commander, shows his colors with his red shirt - how appropriate! His sailors are advancing along both sides of the road with the gun truck on the road. |
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The Bolton Rifles approach the scattered supplies and exchange fire with the Squire's retainers. The background the Royalists begin to outflank the East Bergholt Hunt Club. |
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Looking from behind the Royalists as they attack the hunt club. The Royalist Vickers gun on the left has just been set up and is awaiting a clear field of fire. |
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The Harwich naval gun truck has slewed around in the road and trained on the BUF. Unfortunately their first shot was wild and they didn't hit anything. |
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And quickly put paid to the naval gunners - killing first one, then the other three with some lucky shots. Needless to say, Sean was very discouraged about this turn of events. |
This ended the action since the Squire decided that to run away and live to fight another day was the best course of action. With the East Bergholt forces withdrawing, the Harwich Maritime Defence Force decided that they couldn't make any further progress either, especially with the loss of their gun crew. So they also announced their withdrawal back to Harwich. This left the Royalists and BUF in control of all of the supplies. Minus, that is a petrol drum that had been punctured by a stray shot but didn't catch fire or explode.
Rules comments: This was the first time we had used "Went the Day Well?" rules. It was rather slow going, especially with the sequencing and adjudicating the weapons fire. We never got to a melee, perhaps fortunately since I'm still not sure I understand all that is supposed to happen with hand-to-hand combat. I'm sure we missed things as we proceeded.
Both sides closed at the run of the first two turns so I limited them to walking for another two turns before they could run again. I think we played a total of five or six turns before the local forces were so understrength that they couldn't continue.
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